Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Digital Information Literacy

The first session was interesting to see the developments in digital networking the extent and path it may take.
As a programmer and game player I'm interested in vitual worlds, particularly those self propagating organisms like facebook and flicker, that are really just substrates for the growth of a culture. These frameworks which can act as a mirror to the users personal preferences, that can channel, nurture, what exists already, pump blood to those muscles which most need it, and let those unnessercesary or unwanted aspects fall by the wayside, to clear the way. Component based programming, or customisable applications, and networks may oneday act in the manner of a muscle which needs custant use and throughput to flourish. Data sharing programmes such as bittorrent, which utilises users computers like cells, or worker bees, each contributing a tiny amount to the sharing of a file, can make that file accessible to anyone, and as the owners of that file grow, so does the files accessibility.
These sorts of customisable, biologically intelligent, or self developing applications is what I'm interested in. Accessible 3d graphics is going to play a part in their realisation, and that's what I'm going to attemp to create in DIL.
A model of an object that may be difficult to conceptualize without the aid of 3d space, that can be rotated, and perhaps manipulated in other ways, such as exlpoded, to be made readily available for a student to use on blackboard.

here are some links to papervision examples
park seasons
extrude pixel

nissan game

this is a papervision show reel

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