Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Yes Tree

I have a plan for modelling anything, using flash, it's called the Yes tree.
It would work like a flow chart.
For instance, a programme for generating the forms of shrubs.
The various layers of the tree follow its function, sub catorgarising as it goes.

The top layer might be:

architectural function: decorative /shelter /anti erosion


Environment: temperate / desert / mountain

From each of these options follows the next set of functions

root structure: fine/ course

this function might be further devisible: prolific / sparse

Look in a dictionary, or crate your own definition of a shrub. Say it must have the following:
It must have roots to suck up nutrients, it must have some kind of structure to provide support for photosynthesizing surfaces. It must have photosynthesizing surfaces. This is the Yes tree, it is interesting when every possible path is taken, and the end for each path reached. Each level of functionality may be broken down horizontally and vertically, or descriptively and categorically.

If you start with a block of stone, and some parts are harder than others, at the bottom of the tree is a form. The decisions are shaping.

The granularity of the tree, or the resolution can be refined. Every leaf must have a surface. every surface must have a colour, every surface must have a texture.
Every leaf must have a cappilary system. This system could be analogous to the root system.
The root system paths, or list of categories and descriptions, could then be modular. Employed wherever an analogous form needs describing.
So to with the surface set.
Each form then has a key, or a gene, which describes them and their form.

The next genration Yes tree would have described functions aswell. So a person must travel, but does he walk or run or fly or bike?
Obviously this Yes tree must be goal oriented then, as the objects neccessary functions must be defined by their environment.
What is this environment? It is the very Yes tree itself. To be expereince by the user.
If it were to be a self generating program, it would start with two poles, two extremes, or apexes that once reached would move in a continous cycle.
In this environment, the immediate sarroundings would differentiate at the immediate level. The user would be taken through the cycles of one level of description, move onto the next set of descriptions, under the next description a level up, and so be made familiar the with all the manifestations. A year in this environment might be one cycle. It would be like a world trip. Perhaps starting in Scandanavia, Iceland, Norway Denmark, Germany, SwitzerLand, Austria, Italy (or Spain), Greece, Turkey (Or Moroco?),
By the time you get to Japan, you've had you fill of spices and are ready for something light.

A dictionary Yes tree would be very large. You might start with nouns.
But to make a Yes Tree self generate, you would have to start the objects with a very basic function. That is to create. To make patterns. So, if each object was a seed, with only the ability to see, memorize, recognize, and combine patterns that were presented to it. And those patterns that were represented to it were only those that it had seen, memorized, or combined, over time, that seed would grow its own world.
As these patterns became more complex, so the world would mirror its mind. Resolution of patterns would gradually become less. The object would move from recognising molecular structures and patterns, to recognising objects. Eventually, worlds could become words, as words become worlds.
A successful object would be one that saw patterns, and used them to create more.
If an imbalance appeared in the development of the world tree, the computer could remedy any trends by displaying examples of complimentary of conflicting patterns.
How could this be represented visually, and in what dimensions? - whatch this space!

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